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Friday, June 20, 2008

Benefits of Zeolite Supplementation

By Troy Shanks

There are many benefits to zeolite supplementation. It is amazing that there is a product out there that works the way that liquid zeolite does. For example, it is completely non-toxic yet it has the ability to remove the toxins from your body essentially disabling them as they are removed from the body. Zeolite supplementation will also help you improve your health and immune system by creating a slightly alkaline environment in the body. When the body has a 7.35 to 7.45 pH the body is able to function at its best as well as the immune system.

Another benefit of zeolite supplementation is that it helps remove herbicides and pesticides from the body. The zeolite supplementation does not remove the herbicides and pesticides directly but it does prepare the body to remove them on its own. For example, liquid zeolite works to remove heavy toxins from the body. When this occurs the load on the liver is reduced significantly allowing it to do its job more effectively. The liver then produces more glucuronidation, which removes the herbicides and pesticides from the body.

Liquid zeolite also works to reduce the body's viral load. After you have been taking the zeolite supplementation for a while the zeolite will then latch onto viruses in the body. Actually, the zeolite grabs viral components that will eventually become viruses. This will allow the body to remain healthier and not get as many viruses.

The absorption of nitrosamines is also significantly reduced with zeolite supplementation. Nitrosamines are found in processed meats and the culprit of Type II diabetes, stomach, colon, and pancreatic cancer. Liquid zeolite manages to neutralize the nitrosamine toxins in the body's digestive tract. Then, the zeolite along with the nitrosamine is eliminated safely from the body.

Those with diabetes will benefit significantly from liquid zeolite. That is because it is able to buffer blood sugar. This means individuals will not experience major blood sugar spikes. There is also a reduced risk of cancer with zeolite supplementation. Not only are the cancer causing toxins removed from the body through zeolite supplementation but zeolite can also kill cancer cells in the body. If you have cancer you should not plan on zeolite being a miracle cure, but it is a great supplement to use with other treatment.

Nutrient absorption is also improved with zeolite supplementation. It promotes a healthy gut, which allows the body to absorb nutrients properly. In addition, the gut has a healthier flora meaning that it can fight off stomach bugs and other infections better. Zeolites fight against diarrhea and that is why many anti-diarrheal drugs include zeolites today.

These are just a few of the benefits of using the natural cellular defense Waiora sells as a Zeolite product. There are actually unlimited benefits and that is why it is so important for people to realize the benefits and begin taking liquid zeolite to live a happier and healthier life.

Waiora is one of the world's up and coming health companies with great nutritional products and supplements including liquid cellular zeolite. Their natural cellular defense product will help remove toxins and heavy metals from your body in a safe and natural way. Be sure to check out our Waiora Zeolite website at http://www.liquidcellularzeolites.com for more information.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Health Benefits of Acai Berry Supplements

By Fred Farnsworth

The Acai berry is becoming very popular, especially with new research showing that it is one of the most important super foods available. It is a small berry that grows on the Acai palm, which is native to the tropical regions of Central and South America.

Acai Berry Supplements

Because the Acai berry consists of mainly seed and only a small amount of pulp, the best way to benefit from Acai is by trying one of the many Acai Berry Supplements on the market. Supplements can be in the form of a pill or drink

Acai Berry Supplements are very beneficial for your health, since they are packed full of antioxidants which work to promote overall health. The Acai berry contains more antioxidants in the small two centimeter piece of fruit than any other known food, and even has up to thirty times more antioxidants than a glass of red wine.

Antioxidants and the aging process

Antioxidants are beneficial for slowing down aging, helping to rid the body of unwanted toxins, and can even be beneficial for preventing disease.

The Acai berry is also a great source of protein and amino acids, and even contains many of the essential vitamins our bodies need to function on a daily basis. Acai helps to promote cell health within the body, which in return helps to fight off disease and strengthen the immune system.

Vitamins from Acai

Acai actually contains large amounts of the necessities we need to consume on a daily basis, and functions almost like a multivitamin packed with dozens of vitamins and nutrients. Acai contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, and E, and even contains significant amounts of Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Copper, and Zinc.

Plant sterols are also present in Acai, with three major types that have already been characterized. Plant sterols are great for digestive regulation and can even help prevent disease, and are great for those with heart problems since they maintain overall heart health.

Healthy fats such as Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9 are also potent in the Acai berry, with over 50% of the pulp consisting of fat. Only about 20% of the total fat in the berry is not Omega fat, and the Omega fats are actually very beneficial for health. They can be beneficial for a number of different reasons, ranging from being able to prevent arthritis to being a natural cure for moderate to severe depression. They can even reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack, especially in those with risk factors or previous attacks.

The Flavor of Acai

The best benefit the Acai berry has to offer is its flavor, since it is actually very delicious. The pulp on the berry has a sweet berry taste that is followed by a subtle chocolate after taste, which makes it pleasurable to eat alone or as a smoothie or beverage. It pairs great with other berries and fruits and vegetables, and even makes a great dessert that is healthy and packed full of nutritional value.

Acai Berry Supplements are taking the health food market by storm, since Acai has so many health benefits to offer. It is packed full of amazing vitamins, nutrients, and many other essentials that help to promote overall health, yet it is a delicious treat that puts all other health food to shame. When paired along with other super foods in supplements and drinks, Acai can keep you happy and healthy for a very long time.

Two popular drink supplements that are currently on the market are Monavie, and Purple.

I have tried many of these health drinks and Purple has them all beat for taste. I must confess that I am hooked on the stuff. I know that GNC stores carry Purple but rather than me list all of the locations here you can just go visit www.drinkpurple.com

I am not going to give you a link to Monavie because it is a Multi-level marketing company and the product is over priced, plus you miss the cascade effect that you get from Purple.


If you are going to take an Acai supplement (and you should) the drink form is tasty and fun verses the pill form. In addition, with the pill form you miss the cascade effect of all the other antioxidants.

Archie Freeman is a Health and fitness freelance writer,currently writing reviews about antioxidant products like the Purple Antioxidant Drink Check out their new discovery The Cascade Effect and Acai Berry Supplements It's amazing and it makes so much sense

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How Much Protein Should You Eat Every Day?

By Ronald Godlewski

Everyone knows that protein is an essential part of your daily diet, and meeting a minimum protein level throughout the day is vital for having the energy you need as the day rolls on. Some people, however, are unaware of the fact that there is also such thing as having too much protein in your diet, because your body doesn't know what to do with excess protein and this can cause more harm than good. Having excess protein in your diet can cause just as many harmful effects for your health as not getting enough protein can. If you are increasing your protein intake but your calorie intake or exercise habit is not increasing along with it, you can actually put your body through more stress than it needs or than it can handle for that matter.

Your body requires protein on a daily basis in order to repair and build your muscles along with other vital body tissues. Protein allows your body to create the hormones that it needs for optimum health, and to make the enzymes that are needed for metabolic and digestive processes. If you do not consume enough protein on a daily basis, your body may turn to your muscle instead, breaking it down to find the energy it needs.

Proteins are comprised of amino acids, which are essentially building blocks, and there are somewhere around twenty different amino acids, some of which are actually created by your body. There are nine different amino acids, however, that cannot be synthesized by the body, and these are known as essential amino acids. The only way to get these essential amino acids is by eating whole foods that contain them. It is vital that you eat a variety of different protein foods every single day so that your body can get all of the essential amino acids that it needs.

There are a number of excellent whole food sources of protein that offer all nine of the essential amino acids, including meat, turkey, fish, eggs, chicken, cheese, milk, soy and yogurt. You can also find some, but not all, of the nine essential amino acids in plant food sources such as beans and peas and other legumes, nuts, peanut butter and some seeds. If you are a vegetarian, then it is vital that you find the right balance of whole food plant sources including vegetables, legumes, seeds, nuts and grains in order to get all of the essential amino acids that you need.

The amount of protein that you need is dependent upon your age, the size of your body, and how active you tend to be, or how much energy you burn throughout an average day. Most teenagers, for example, need between 40 and 50 grams of protein per day. The best way to get an estimate of how much protein you need is to take your weight and multiply it by about 0.40, and you will have the number of grams of protein that you need for a day. So if you weigh 150lbs for example, and you multiply that by 0.40, you will need 60 grams of protein every day for optimum health. This is just an estimate however, and there are a number of characteristics that will impact this number, such as whether or not you are an athlete or play sports.

Many of the whole food sources of protein are excellent at delivering the protein that you need. For example, fish, beef, chicken and shrimp can provide as many as 21 grams of protein per 3 oz serving. A single cup of yogurt can provide 11 grams of protein, and cooked lentils and tofu can provide 9 grams of protein with only a half cup of food. Other excellent sources for protein include bulgur, kashi, oats, millet, cooked egg, hummus, soy milk, cooked beans, cheese and cow's milk. There are a number of different protein supplements that come in the form of bars, powders and shakes. Usually though, most people get their much needed protein, rendering these supplements unnecessary in most cases. But if you need to put more protein into your diet, make sure your protein supplement contains several forms of protein (not just whey protein) AND the protein includes an enzyme additive for protein digestion. This will ensure your body can digest the protein and you achieve maximum benefits from taking the supplement.

Ron Godlewski has written many articles on health, wellness, and maintaining vitality throughout our lifetime. Read more about the importance of nutrition and the many benefits of protein in our daily diets at http://www.pillfreesupplements.com/buildmuscle.php and even receive your own complementary copy of a nationally recognized health and nutrition magazine just for visiting!

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Detoxification Diets And Recipes

By Dr. Ken Woods

It is a good idea to carry out detoxification of our bodies often. This necessarily may not mean swearing off hamburgers, French fries and beer for a couple of days. Our bodies accumulate waste and toxins that in due course of time will attack our immune system and other areas of our body hampering our normal healthy body functions. Most important is the fact that when burden of these toxins increases, they begin to rampage as free radicals, attacking the immune system and leaving our bodies susceptible to a host of opportunistic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, gastrointestinal tract problems, MS and others.

Many of us assume that a few mega-vitamins and supplements will certainly take care of us and there is some truth to this assumption but, that is not all. Our bodies do need a tune-up occasionally. A detoxification cleansing is that tune-up that our bodies require at regular interval of time to allow our system to function optimally and keep it pure.

The foods to stay away from are processed foods, foods with artificial sweetener added to it, foods fried in oil, red meat, pork, chicken, and any other critters except fish. Also avoid the diet drinks, beers, whole milk, the cereal aisle at the market and stay away from munchies, for that period.

There are many detox diet recipes available. Recipe books and recipes on internet are readily available. In fact, given the right formulas, you too can use your creativity and master the art of preparing your own detox recipes and writing your own book too.

The basic dietary pool to choose from are unprocessed foods which are rich in fiber. This should definitely include fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, brown rice, oats, raw nuts, fresh fish, fresh fruit juices and plenty of water.

Out of all these foods that you are allowed to eat while consuming detox diet, make a list of your favorite foods, then start writing out your own recipes for each meal, so you ensure yourself delicious meals well in advance. This will help you continue with your detox diet plan more effectively and also help you to develop your taste for fiber rich nutritious food.

The Mediterraneans were always aware of healthy eating habits. Mediterranean diets are very popular because most of their meals are low in fat, low in carbohydrates. There are many Greek and Turkish recipes available online that will qualify as detox diets. Different recipes for preparation of several varieties of vegetable soup using combinations of fiber and nutrient rich ingredients can be accessed from wide choice of diet sites.

Cabbage soup is a very popular and included in detox diet . It is very satisfying and gives you a feeling of fullness. This is the best part of the fiber rich food. It is very satiating and always prevents you from over eating. So is Gazpacho. A Spanish soup prepared from tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumber and fresh garlic clove.

This soup is served cold. Another great detox diet recipe is called "Dave's Detox Surprise". This detox soup is prepared from following ingredients. Firstly 2 quarts of water is brought to a simmer. Later add to it 2 finely chopped onions, one half of a garlic clove, finely minced, four stewed tomatoes (after removing the skin) and then diced. To this add two chopped carrots, 7 ounces of sliced mushrooms, 3/4 of a cup of brown rice and two beef bullion cubes. Let this soup simmer for about one hour on a low heat, then is best, served hot.

To add to the taste serve "Dave's Detox Surprise" along with a boiled en tree of Red pepper, sprinkled with lemon juice and a side dish of fresh green beans with mushrooms and crushed almonds. This combination would certainly be a delicious mouth watering meal!

Your food selection for preparation of any detox diet recipes that you like will certainly test your creativity. Idea of being able to eat the food you can enjoy will motivate you to stay on track and not give up the challenge. The more variety of recipes that you can come up with, the easier your detoxification process will be. It is rightly said variety is the spices of life. There is a saying in Asian culture , "A cup of brown rice is worth a thousand recipes". More on Detoxification Diets at http://www.mastercleanse-review.com

Article Tags: Master Cleanse, Master Cleanse Diet, Master Cleanse Program, Master Cleanse Recipe, Master Cleanse De

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/detoxification-diets-and-recipes-436877.html

About the Author: Dr. Billie is an expert on bio health and has been in the medical profession for over 18 years. Find out more about Master Cleanse

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Medicinal Values of Green Tea

By Lesley Lyon

Green tea is believed to be in use as a medicine for at least 4000 years in china. It is also believed that green tea lowers the cholesterol levels by increasing the good cholesterol and decreasing the bad cholesterol. Green tea is rich in antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) .It destroys cancer cells and also inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Even though the French people consume diet rich in fat, they are less prone to heart attack than the Americans. Similarly, even though 75 percent of the Japanese are smokers, they are less affected. This is because EGCG is more in green tea used by them. It acts as a protective agent against premature death from heart attack and cancer.

Green tea also destroys bacteria thus preventing tooth decay. Researchers have also found that green tea even helps dieters. The leaves of green tea can also be used for cooking. The leftover leaves can be used as manure for garden plants to grow better. The ingredient present in green tea is polyphenol. It is the most effective antioxidant. It is present in higher amount in green tea than in black tea.

The basic difference between green tea and other teas like oolong and black tea is that while the latter come from the leaves of camellia simens plant, green tea is processed in a different way. Green tea leaves are steamed which prevents the EGCG, a power antioxidant, from being oxidized. In contrast, black and oolong leaves are made from fermented leaves and so EGCG is converted into other compounds, which are effective in preventing and fighting various diseases.

Clinical trials indicate that green tea raises metabolic rates and speeds up fat oxidation. Green tea also raises thermo genesis (the rate at which calories are burnt) and hence increases energy expenditure. Green tea also increases endurance in exercise.

Drinking green tea has a whole lot of benefits like fighting against cancer, stabilizing diabetes, helping in weight loss, slowing the ageing process and helping digestion. Green tea also enhances immunity in our body. About four cups of green tea each day provides 300 to 400 mg of polyphenols, which help in antioxidant activity. These antioxidants help in slowing diseases. A research Institute in Tokyo found that drinking green tea is the best method to prevent cancer at present. All types of cancer like stomach, lungs, breast, liver, colon and rectal can be prevented by green tea.

Green tea prevents cholesterol from being absorbed by the digestive tract. This in effect means that even if the fat is taken, the body does not absorb it. Green tea also helps in preventing unhealthy clotting. Rinsing the mouth with green tea after meals helps in fighting bacteria and thus prevents cavities. One cup of tea with each meal acts as a metabolic stimulant. This helps in weight loss. The caffeine in the tea burns extra calories in the body and fat is digested by polyphenols. A recent study stated that EGCG found in green tea could help to boost one’s immune system thereby helping to prevent HIV.

And to top it all, green tea probably is the only substance in the world with so many medicinal values and without a single side effect!

Source: Free Articles

About the Author: Visit http://www.healthopts.com for useful weight management tips and choosing successful weight loss Plans. Also, check out http://www.healinglifetouch.info to know how aromatherapy helps lead a healthy life.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Alkaline Diets - Your Guide To Healthy Life

By Emma Deangela

Anyone who has taken basic biology knows that cells require very narrow parameters to function optimally. Temperature and pH must be precisely engineered in order to support simple life. The human body, though seemingly sturdy and above this natural law, is no different! Humans can function in a wide variety of environments, but we do require basic conditions in order to have optimal performance.

In its purest form, human body fluids and tissue exist in a slightly alkaline state (not acidic). Since the human body uses the foods we eat as raw material to rebuild its tissues, our pH balance can quickly become unbalanced if our diet consists of "acidifying" foods. These acidifying foods quickly cause our blood and body tissues to become bathed in an acidic solution. This won't kill you right away, but if left untreated, this acidic condition leads to diseases such as heart disease, high cholesterol and even obesity.

Why does an acidic environment in your body lead to disease? It all goes back to how your body detoxifies itself. In an acidic environment the body cannot detoxify efficiently. The buildup of toxins prevents the body from effectively replenishing its essential nutrients and antioxidants. The body becomes starved, stressed, and slows down its metabolism to counteract the nutrient-deficiency within itself. The stress leads to disease, and the slower metabolism leads to weight, diet, and detoxification problems.

The most commonly consumed acidifying foods are butter, cheeses, animal protein (except salmon), oils, corn syrup, alcohol, corn, berries, and flours. Most of these foods should be consumed in moderation and in very low amounts. The best diet one can gradually adopt is one rich in alkalizing foods, which balance the body tissues and blood back to an alkaline state. A good rule of thumb is that anything that is dark green tends to be alkalizing. This includes broccoli, dark lettuce, cabbage, cucumbers, onions, avocadoes, mustard and beet greens. More alkalizing foods are many of the fruits, such as apples, oranges, cantaloupe, lemon, lime, strawberries, and watermelons.

Right now you may be thinking that the alkalizing foods are impossible to eat without being miserable. There are many easy ways to incorporate alkalizing foods into your diet without sacrificing great taste! For example, instead of using animal protein (such as ground beef), try using a firm tofu in your meals that call for meat. Instead of using harmful oils, you can use vegetable juice to sauté your foods. Instead of drinking processed dairy milk, drink organic soy milk. Certain spices are very alkalizing as well: chili pepper, cinnamon, ginger, sea salt, curry and tamari.

Another way to help your body resume its most natural state of alkalinity is to drink at least 2 liters of alkaline water everyday. This will flush out the acidic toxins already accumulated in your bloodstream and further promote detoxification in your body's lipid storage. Supplements are available to alkalize water, usually in the form of drops and powders. Other recommended supplements that help your body alkalize are potassium, calcium, cesium and magnesium.

Emma Deangela is the author of detox and fasting site at Alkaline Diets. Combining both Asian and Western philosophy, Emma Deangela has helped many people by giving them health consultation to make their lives better and healthier through natural health philosophy. Visit Body Detox to discover the health philosophy that lead many people to a healthy life.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Whole Food Supplements Vs. Synthetic Vitamins: Which One is Better for Me?

By Mason Curry

We all harbor the hope that we are eating right. More often than not, that's easier said than done. The demands of work and family drain our time and our patience. We live fast and eat worse. And try to compensate by taking handfuls of vitamins and other over-the-counter supplements.

The question is...can all that pill popping be good for you? According to nutritionists, the short answer is no. At the very least, say many nutritionists -- if you're missing the mark on a healthy diet, then whole food supplements are at least a step in the right direction.

Whole food supplements are made from organic, animal and plant tissues. In other words: fruits and vegetables grown in mineral-rich soils, without chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, or additives of any kind. This non-toxic nutrient-rich produce is made into supplements, which are clinically designed to target nutritional deficiencies that affect various parts of our bodies.

Whole food supplements are what their name suggests: Supplements made from concentrated whole foods. Here is an example. Tomatoes are rich in both Vitamin C and Vitamin E. However, to get the full benefit of these vitamins you would have to consume close to a dozen good size tomatoes a day. It would be hard to find a person that would or could do that on a daily basis. But... dehydrate them grind them up and put them into a soluble capsule and you are good to go. It takes only a moment to take a few capsules and you have gotten the benefits of a whole garden of tomatoes.

Because these supplements are made from natural foods, they contain the entire complex of vitamins and minerals as well as all the micro-nutrients and synergistic factors found in nature. Which -- in case you didn't know - are necessary for the vitamin or mineral to complete its action in the body.

Synthetic vitamins recreate only a potion of what is need to reap the full benefits of its nutrition. When vitamins appear in nature there is a slew of accompanying enzymes, coenzymes, antioxidants, trace elements, and activators that help the body absorb the vitamins. When a vitamin is created synthetically, the team of other elements that help the vitamin be absorbed are not recreated. No evidence suggests that synthetics are damaging to one's health in the recommended dosage but, at very least, they are poor investment in your overall health. Much of a synthetics offered nutrients are lost because it cannot be absorbed.

Synthetics are appealing when sitting on the store shelves next to whole food supplements because whole food are often up to twice the price. Think next time you are at the market. It doesn't matter if it is cheaper if it doesn't work. Also keep in mind, many vitamins and minerals require fats to be absorbed correctly. Diets that remove all or most fats from the diet usually keep your body from getting the nutrients it needs.

Provided by Mason Curry - Natures Bargain Health Products, LLC Almighty Cleanse and Sea vegg are two of the best whole food nutrition aid on the market. Nature's Bargain brings them and many other whole food and natural health products at less than retail prices. http://www.naturesbargain.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Going For Right and Effective Nutritional Supplements

By Ricky Hussey

With the fast pacing of life and dependence on fast food and intake of on-the-go meals, the personal health of the people are degrading continuously. So the major problem is the chronic illness which is affecting most of the people today. We have many medical resources and treatments to diagnose this disease. But with the intake of nutritional supplements life has become quicker and easier.

These nutritional supplements are present in the market in various ranges of price and product. It totally depends upon you which one will you go for.

Nutritional supplements help in aiding the muscle aches, regeneration of body cells, generating antibodies in the body which in turns helps in fighting harmful substances.

Not only this, these Nutritional supplements also have anti-aging benefits, balancing the body by proper intake of vitamins and minerals, and removing harmful toxins from the body.

Some of the Nutritional supplements that can be taken by person which are present in the body are: -

• Carnitine: - it helps in transporting the fats for burning in the bloodstream or into the mitochondria which are the power plants of the cells. It also reduces the desires for the intake of fats and sweets. Moreover it is generated by the body. But people who are overweight can go for the dosage of around 500 mg twice or thrice a day, if they are following a strict exercise rule.

• Chromium: - it helps in controlling the blood sugar levels and also reduces the desires for sugar. It is advised to take around 200 microgram of chromium, 2 times a day for a whole month.

• CLA: - Conjugated linolenic acid helps in metabolic processes of fat and also improves the ratio of fat to lean tissue. It is advised to take about 2 gm of CLA, 2 times a day before your daily meal.

• Lecithin: - it is the natural occurring nutrient that helps in metabolism of the body fat. So take 1200 mg of it twice a day before the daily meal.

• DLPA: - the amino acid phenylalanine helps in stimulating the body metabolic processes and also reduces the carving the appetite. Take around 500 mg of DLPA, 2-3 times a day for three weeks.

• Pyruvic acid: - it helps in burning the body calories.

• Tyrosine: - it helps in stimulating the thyroid and also enhances the metabolic processes.

Read more on no-xplode review. Check out for nutritional supplements.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Diet Plan for Building Muscle Mass

By Derek Manuel

Most ambitious bodybuilders and weight trainers will learn everything there is to know about weight lifting and do whatever it takes in the gym for results. They will work their butts off pumping iron and endure pain that the common man would coward from. However, one of the major causes of failure for even these overzealous trainees is not having a proper diet plan for building muscle mass.

They might plan in their MINDS to eat correctly, but without a plan written down most people simply can't get in the habit of dieting correctly. I can definitely admit that for a long time I was no exception to this way of thinking. When I finally sat down and got serious, I finally got to the core of why most weight trainers fail in this department: improper planning. Most of us can decide to start eating right, and some of us are even good at righting down goals and how we need to achieve them. But, if we don't construct a diet plan for building muscle mass on a day to day basis, this can be a plan for disaster for most of us.

If we don't plan our meals each day, then we will find ourselves battling obstacles that will constantly make it hard for us to eat properly on a consistent basis. Obstacles such as hunger, finding yourself in a situation where you don't have any food prepared for several hours, such as school, work, a long car ride, temptations to eat fast food, and many others.

The reason why these obstacles are so hard to combat is because of the very nature of hunger. Along with sleep and water, eating is an absolute vital necessity for survival. And since our bodies are designed to alert us when one of these are lacking, it does so very intensely.

This explains why our desire to drink when we are thirsty, sleep when we are tired, and of course eat when we are hungry is so intense, and at this point you will often find yourself giving in to something not productive for gaining mass. The pains from lack of these are too intense to bear for too long. So if we don't properly plan beforehand our meals each day, then the urge to just eat whatever is most tempting or convenient will easily overcome our goals for gaining mass.

On top of that our bodies are also designed for one single purpose: survival. Your body is designed to keep you alive and healthy, and it is important to understand that building muscle mass is definitely not its "default" or primary function. That is why it is important that you have a proper diet plan for building muscle mass and that you plan your meals on a day to day basis.

The better planned and prepared you are, the easier it will be to stay consistent with your diet. Then, on a positive note, since we are creatures of habit, once you stick to a diet schedule for about 21 to 30 days, it will become a habit and the process will be much easier!

Follow some of these guidelines that will help you plan out your meals properly: First, plan on paper! Write in a journal your daily meals, at least a few hours in advance before your next meal, preferably the night before. Next, prepare your meals the night before and store them in separate plastic containers if possible so when your meal time comes it will be ready to go.

When you go grocery shopping go with a specific intent for your meals so you can plan out your week in advance, and I suggest you invest in some meal replacement shakes in case you have a busy schedule and are rarely at home - never leave home without a meal handy just in case! A simple and final tip to help your planning is to list out your ten favorite and simplest meals according to your diet so that you can rotate through them to avoid boredom and keep it interesting.

Remember, if you fail to plan then you can plan to fail. Don't make the mistake of so many people by working out hard and consistently, only to cheat yourself and your results by improper planning of your diet. It still takes some brains if you want to build the brawn!

Derek Manuel is the author of the best-selling, "How to Gain Weight and Build Muscle for Hardgainers". If you want to learn how you too can gain 20 to 30 pounds of solid muscle in as short as 8 weeks, or if you just want more quality information on how to gain weight and build muscle, please visit http://www.hardgainers-weight-tips.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Friday, April 25, 2008

A Low Cholesterol Diet Can Taste Great

By George McKenzie

Many people, when they think of healthful eating, immediately think of bland, boring diets that may be heart-friendly, but are not particularly appetizing. This doesn't have to be true of low-cholesterol diets.

Watching your cholesterol can include eating delicious foods, prepared in ways you may not have tried before. There is endless room for experimentation and learning to love tastes you've never experienced.

One of the first things to remember about a heart-healthy, low-cholesterol diet is that cholesterol only appears in animal products. This is good news, because it means you can have lots of tasty vegetables, fruits and grains to add variety to your diet.

When you first start eating cholesterol-free foods, you may feel as if you're "giving up" some of your favorite foods. But chances are, you'll develop new favorites quickly from among the many choices available.

Fruits and vegetables are staples of a low-cholesterol diet. Don't feel limited to apples, bananas, lettuce and tomatoes. Your local farmer's market or produce department will have many appealing choices you've never tried before, and you will no doubt find new favorite veggies and fruits making their way to your table quite often.

Because grain does not contain cholesterol, whole grain breads and cereals are good choices for your heart-healthy diet. Sprinkling some brewer's yeast on your morning cereal and dinner salad can also help keep your cholesterol balanced.

One of the big issues for many people, in adopting a low-cholesterol diet, is meat. While red meat does contain a lot of cholesterol, fish and skinless poultry are great choices for healthful eating. Make sure to trim all the visible fat from meat before you cook it. And instead of frying, try grilling, broiling, boiling, baking, or sautéing.

If you love a morning omelet and are dreading the thought of giving up eggs, you can switch to egg whites, or use cholesterol-free egg substitutes.

You can also add heart-friendly nuts like walnuts and almonds to your diet and enjoy healthy snacks of plain, salt-free popcorn or pretzels.

Your choices are nearly unlimited when it comes to finding foods that are tasty and healthful. Most people dread cholesterol-free diets only because they are unaware of the variety of foods available. Once you take the time to discover your new favorites, you'll find that eating foods that are good for you can taste great and leave you feeling good about your eating habits, as well.
For more information on topics related to this article, click on Foods That Are High in Cholesterol.

George McKenzie is a retired TV anchor, medical reporter and radio talk show host. He often contributes articles to The Southwest Health Information Exchange, a resource site about health and wellness.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=George_McKenzie

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Wondrous Benefits of Soy Protein

By Janet Somer

Soy protein is emerging as one of the great alternative protein sources for human consumption. Health experts are all excited about how soy protein can change the face of nutrition. What's all the rage? Here are some great reasons to get with soy protein.

Soy Protein is Plant ProteinSoy beans contain complete protein and have one of the best protein digestibilities among all protein sources. Soy beans also contain little or no fat and have virtually no cholesterol. Lactose intolerant ones will be pleased to know that soy beans contain no lactose.
Being a plant protein, soy is free from steroids and antibiotics animal protein contains. It is also free from the parasites that contaminate some of these products. They also contain none of the diseases one can contract from mean sources such as Mad Cow Disease, and Foot and Mouth Disease.

Vegetarians love this bean as it provides a comparable - if not better - source of protein as compared to its animal counterpart. It provides a protein that is better and easier to digest and is comparable to most protein supplements.

Soy Beans are Very VersatileSoy beans are very versatile. Various cuisines, especially Asian ones recognize the value of the humble soy bean. A variety of naturally yummy delicacies are all soy based: tofu, soy pudding, Soya milk, and meat substitutes - not to mention condiments such as soy sauce, and hoi sin sauce.

To counter the problem of world hunger, the growing of soybeans has been suggested. Not only are soybeans easy to grow and harvest, they will grow pretty much anywhere and produces much in a little time. There have been farmers reported to have replaced their entire crop line with soy bean plants. These hardy little plants produce much per harvest, and, as said earlier, can grow in even the most trying terrain.

The Great SubstituteSoy is low in fat and can be used to substitute most protein sources. When cooking, you may use soy substitutes instead of flour for a low fat alternative. This makes it a great protein source for those that are looking to lose weight without compromising their protein requirements.

Bodybuilders are considering how this can make their jobs a lot easier. Without the fat and with all the protein goodness - easily digestible at that - bodybuilding has just received a great blessing of a food.

Although these bodybuilders are currently debating how soy can be a help to bodybuilders, it doesn't take away anything from what soy can contribute to the overall health of a person.

It is very advisable to stick to natural protein rather than processes protein if possible, as processed foods typically have some risk attached to them. The best use of this food can be attributed to how it perfectly fits into anyone's low-fat, high-protein diet.

Soy products can be incorporated into shakes and drinks. And being lactose-free, lactose intolerant people will still be able to get their milkshake fix without having to suffer so.

Soy products are also a great source of other nutrients such as saponins, isoflavones, and phytosterol. Saponins help support a healthy immune system. It also combines with cholesterol to avoid increased absorption of cholesterol in the body. Phytosterols also help reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the body in the same way saponins do.

Isoflavones are powerful antioxidants and prevent the effects of free radicals in the body. They prevent many of the signs of aging and have been known to help prevent cancer. This alone makes soy a miracle protein source in its own right.

Isoflavones, along with vitamins A,C, and E are among the front liners in the fight against such disease - they also counter the effects of pollution, and stress.

How Much is Too MuchUnlike other protein sources, it is pretty safe to consume a wide amount of soy products. While allergies to soy products exist, cases are few and far between. When changing to a soy diet, however, it would be best to consult your physician or your nutritionist. Ask specifically if the soy interferes with any prescription drugs you are taking.

Soy can be great blessing for people who are looking for a great source of protein that does not entail the side effects of most of the other sources. It would be advisable for one to explore how it can improve one's diet.

Stop by The Treadmill Workouts to learn more about treadmill workouts and the tread climber.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Top 4 Secrets Behind A Nutritious Diet

By Lai Fun Wan

What are the basic healthy eating principles of a nutritionally sound diet? First there must be variety, wholesome food and able to cater to an individual's diet needs that may vary depending on the individual's situation.

Why variety? We must choose food from a variety of sources everyday because through variety, there is less opportunity to exclude some essential food groups. Many are not aware of this important diet principle. Therefore eating many different types of nutritious foods is essential.

Different types are likely to result in a diet that receives adequate amounts of nutrients for good health. Even foods in the same food group may have different nutrients and it is important to consume a variety within each food group. For example, bananas are rich in vitamins B and strawberries are rich in vitamin C. Eating food coming from different sources can be beneficial. For instance, insoluble fiber like wheat helps to prevent constipation whereas soluble fiber like oats has been associated with lower risk in blood cholesterol. Other dietary fiber like vegetables such as broccoli, brussels, cabbage and cauliflower are believed to assist in the prevention of a number of cancers.

Wholesome food is food made from whole ingredients. We should take wholegrain bread as it contains more goodness of the entire grain. As a general rule, the less processed a food is, the better. We should try to avoid processed foods as much as possible because of the preservatives, colors, flavors and additives it contains.

Besides these principles to a nutritionally sound diet, we need to consider other factors affected by an individual's lifestyle choices, genetics and environment. Simply eating all food groups may not guarantee a balanced diet. The nutritional requirements of an individual may be impacted by age, health and lifestyle choices, medication, quality of food consumed and most importantly of all, the degree of an individual's digestion and absorption.

Whilst it is imperative to eat wisely, JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association 2002; 287: 3127-3129 by Robert H. Fletcher, MD, MSc; Kathleen M. Fairfiled, MD, Dr PH, Harvard University, highlighted that that most people do not consume an optimal amount of all vitamins by diet alone. Thus it may appear prudent for everyone to take a good multivitamin daily to promote optimum nutritional status. Although there have been arguments for and against the use of supplements, there are enough substantial circumstances to warrant the use of good quality multivitamins to supplement an individual's diet. These may additionally help to assist an individual's nutritional requirement to its optimal level.

Wan Lai Fun is the owner of http://www.healthyeatingfun.com. For further recommended resources on how to start a profitable health business that is Guaranteed to jumpstart your healthy eating Click here to grab your free special healthy eating report.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lai_Fun_Wan

High Cholesterol? - Check Out Your Diet

By Scotie Keithlow

All of us lead a busy lifestyle today. Everyone is in a mad rush to achieve his or her goals and in the bargain we have forgotten to take out time for ourselves. We do not have time for relaxing, leisure or even taking care of ourselves.

All of this takes a toll on our body and it becomes important that we ensure that our eating habits are healthy. A healthy eating habit, which includes taking balanced diet, can help us in keeping fit that will enable us to take on further challenges in life. Eating healthy is a pillar for maintaining good health. One of the disease conditions that are hitting people all across the world is the cholesterol problem. And if you are one of those who have not heard about this terminology yet, it is high time that you visit your family doctor and get to know more about this condition.

Cardiovascular diseases are gaining the proportion of an epidemic. One of its causes is high level of cholesterol in the blood. The major portion of cholesterol that is found in our body comes from the food that we eat. Hence it is important to monitor our cholesterol levels on a regular basis and at the same time consume food that is low in cholesterol. Though we all love to eat foods that are rich in fat, it is high time that we wake up to the reality of cardiovascular disease.

The danger of this disease is aggravated by the fact that most of the Americans are obese. Obesity implies that the eating habit of the individual is not healthy. And thanks to this phenomenon of obesity, there have been a slew of diets offering low cholesterol and are being talked about.

We are what we eat. And if we choose a diet that is low in cholesterol, it is obvious that our body will never grow up to have high blood cholesterol levels. Given the increasing awareness on eating healthy, there are many different types of low cholesterol diets that are being floated all around.

It is important for a consumer to pick up a diet that is really effective in controlling the intake of cholesterol thereby resulting in low blood cholesterol. If you want to know more about these low cholesterol diets, one of the easiest places to get information is the Internet. And all this information is available for free.

To find more information about nutrition and your diet and its effect on cholesterol levels visit http://a1-nutrition.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scotie_Keithlow

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Healthy, Active Lifestyle

By Martina Nyamainashe

A balanced nutrition plan is essential for providing our bodies with the nutrients required to make them function properly. Today's busy lifestyles shows that our choices of food and drink have not been healthy, we are now missing out on a lot of minerals and nutrients. Eating food that has lost it's nutrients through being over processed.

We are now living off food that does not have the essential vitamins, nutrients and minerals. It has become very important for us to start concentrating on good eating habits and the use of supplements where necessary.

There are different kinds of supplements available that an individual can choose from depending on their needs. The nutritional supplements that you chose should provide you with the elements that the body needs daily to maintain good health.

So you actually need to sit down and plan your requirements and then but the essentials for your diet. Your requirements should be able to provide you with carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and healthy fats.

Water is also an essential part of the diet.

When you make your plan it should be able to provide you with a balanced nutrition that does not leave you hungry and craving for unnecessary snacks. Eat lot's of fruits and vegetables and enjoy a good night's sleep for rejuvenating of your cells.

If you combine your good nutritional program with exercise you will be on your way to a healthier you. Take your time everything is a process it is not going to change overnight but with persistence and perseverance the damage done through years of eating wrong foods and of lack of exercise will eventually start to be reversed.

Visit my website at: http://www.blissfulherb.com to discover how you can have a quick way to health and wellness.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Martina_Nyamainashe

The Truth About Energy Drinks and Bars

By Jonathan Jenkins

The phenomenon of increasing sales of energy drinks bars is one that we cannot ignore. Sport events are inciting such popularity by showing off these products as favorites for these players. The question would be: should you try those products? Who should and who shouldn't? It all depends on your lifestyle and exercise regime.

If you're someone who rarely exercises and his only recreation is climbing the company's stairs when the elevator is out of service, then consuming such products is of no use. Energy drinks and bars give you "energy" but if you're not already using the energy you have, what's the use?

It is interesting to notice that the higher percentage of buyers is actually overweight men, which is especially intriguing since those products don't lead to weight loss. Since they're not active, those products are simply a waste of money, so what's the secret about energy drinks and bars?

The simple answer would be corporate marketing. Those energy drinks and bars are packed in way no one can resist, with a muscular man and a thin woman on the label, who wouldn't want to buy that? Although they are quite aware those products wouldn't do them good, the appeal of what's on the label creates a need for them. Not to mention that half of those products employ hotshot celebrities to market those products, and thus take into advantage a person's personal role models.

Now if you're the kind of individual who actually works out, energy bars and drinks can actually workout just great for you. Let's talk science here, your body needs at least an hour to digest a snack, therefore; energy bars - with their compact size but rich nutrients - are easy to digest. You can eat them a while before hitting the gym and you'll definitely not feel that pinch of hunger when you're working out. A good recommendation is for you to drink about 16 oz of energy drinks for every half an hour of working out, but again water would do.

As for the average person who couldn't care less about exercising, those energy drinks and bars also couldn't care less about giving any results. You are simply wasting your money on products that give you minimum results; it's like someone wearing the wrong size of shoe: you just won't be able to run. Such wasted money could actually make all the difference put in a different area of your budget or even given to charity. You really shouldn't fall for those marketing scams with celebrities by now.

What an overweight person can do to bring better results is a healthy diet and an exercise regime. Invest in those and you can never go wrong!

Visit fightfat.info to claim your FREE weight loss ebook

Free weight loss articles and weight loss tools to help you lose weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jonathan_Jenkins

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Importance of Calcium, Magnesium

By Dr. Vicky Arcadi

One of the most common nutritional needs we hear about today is calcium and magnesium. We hear about these minerals with regards to bone densities and prevention in osteoporosis, and so many women are disciplined about making sure they get the calcium in their diets.

In pregnancy, calcium is very important, and the calcium/magnesium balance is even more important. Here are some of the symptoms that one will see when calcium and magnesium are low:

Chronic calcium deficiency can be identified with some forms of hypertension, prostate, colorectal cancer, some types of kidney stones, and miscarriage, birth and heart defects in children when the mother is deficient in calcium during pregnancy, menstrual and premenstrual problems, and cardiovascular as well as hemorrhagic stroke. In addition if this is not enough, chronic calcium deficiency is also associated with sleep disturbances, fatigue, muscle/joint pain, muscle spasms/cramps, high blood pressure, irregular heart beat, dysmenorrhea (painful periods), rickets, birth defects, miscarriage, aneurysms, high stomach acid, higher risk for some cancers, periodontal diseases, and mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety, and seizures.

Calcium will help for the blood protein fibrin which will aid in clotting. Clotting is very important in labor and delivery. And, did you know, if the mother is not getting enough calcium, her parathyroid glands will begin to react and start to pull the calcium out of her bone!!! That would not be a good situation for a pregnant woman. Calcium also will support and feed the perineal muscles to make them supple for dilation at delivery. Calcium will help to prevent and minimize stretch marks, although stretch marks tend to be more of a hereditary situation.

The balance and source of calcium/magnesium has to be bioavailable. The best source is A to B Calm. It is the only freeze dried source of calmag with vinegar to insure absorption. (See Essential Nutrients) This nutrient cannot be stressed enough in pregnancy. It is also helpful with children at bedtime to help build strong bones and teeth. And contrary to popular belief, cow's milk does not do this! There is a lot of phosphorus which actually combines with the calcium and prevents it from being absorbed.

Join Dr. Vicky's Educational Forum on http://www.healthyanswersonline.com and receive your weekly tips, monthly newsletters and conference calls. As a new member, you can also "ASK DR VICKY" an online question that may be included in your upcoming FREE teleconference call. Topic for this month is: "Pregnancy, Newborns & Pediatrics."

http://www.healthyanswersonline.com is one of the only websites of its kind that provides the nutritional secrets, suggestions and the latest information and technology available to maximize health and eliminate the common discomforts of the woman during pregnancy and improving the outcomes of she and her unborn baby. The site also addresses newborns, babies, kids, children, parents, fertility, labor and delivery, post-partum and breast feeding.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Vicky_Arcadi

For All Those Chocolate Lovers!

By Richard Chan

Whenever we eat chocolate we have some form of guilt regretting it afterwards. What if I were to tell you it was healthy and you can feel guilt free! Now, let me discuss why cocoa and other foods have benefits to our body.

Recent studies have proven that cocoa is good for you because it contains flavonoids. They are polyphenolic compounds which are a group of chemical substances found in plants. They contain a special type of antioxidant that helps prevent cancer, heart disease, beneficial effects on human health, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, etc. In France there was a study done that a glass of red wine a day may improve a persons chances of having a second heart attack by half. In China they found people drinking tea were half as likely to develop cancer to those not drinking tea. When we consume any food that contains flavonoid our blood increases. The rise in antioxidant levels protects us from damage to blood vessels and the heart. This prevents our DNA from damage and leading to cancer. Foods that contain flavonoids are cocoa, parsley, onion, beans, almonds, coffee, green tea, black tea, red wine, etc. The food that had the strongest antioxidant was cocoa out beating the commonly known tea. The more flavonoid content of cocoa, the higher the antioxidant. Dark chocolate is more concentrated in cocoa content than milk chocolate. Also, white chocolate has no cocoa content. Although we know antioxidants are important for good health, researchers still have been studying the exact daily amount required per person.

As a friendly reminder don't overdo it on eating chocolates because too much of anything isn't good for you. You also have to take into consideration of the calories. A small piece of cocoa contains about 50 calories and a majority of candy bars contain about 200. Vegetables and fruits range from 25-80 calories and a serving of green tea has no calories at all. And of course vegetables and fruits also have vitamin, minerals, phytochemicals that protect our health besides the flavonoids it contains. Remember this should not discourage us from eating a mostly plant-based diet that includes lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. So, enjoy and eat your cocoa with moderation so that you can balance a fulfillment of all the good foods out there!

Richard Chan is a Health and Fitness Life Coach, promoting good health internally and externally. For more information you can visit Richard Chan at http://www.flex-fitness.com regarding exercising, training or nutrition.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Chan

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Reasons Why Healthy Eating Is Important

By Andrew Kerekes

What food you eat is critical in determining your current and future health.

This is a starting point for improving your health and changing your life for the better.

Healthy eating what the benefits are?

Every week that goes by more proof emerges that shows healthy eating and regular exercise

helps stop cardiovascular disease's such as diabetes, osteoporosis and cancer.

If you have healthy eating through out your life you are more likely to remain disease free.

Than the people whose diet is high in artery-clogging fat and low in nutrients.

What healthy eating will help treat is health related problems.

People are still eating more fat than is healthy for them.

This is resulting in a rise in obesity.

The more weight we gain the risk of cardiovascular disease rises.

We need to reduce our fat intake and also we need to exercise to reduce the risk.

If you are over weight and start to loose weight your life expectancy goes up.

You should eat foods that give you maximum nutritional benefits for the calories.

Healthy eating choices at any stage in life can help prevent and in many cases treat existing disorders.

Healthy eating ideas you should action now?

Eating a varied diet is based on having a wide range of nutritious ingredients.

Planing your meals is a good way to ensure you eat a healthy well balanced diet.

Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables everyday.

Cut back on the amount of fat you eat especially saturated fats, use polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats instead.

Choose foods rich in soluble fibre such as oats, peas, lentils, pulses and sweetcorn.

Meals or snacks should be based around wholegrains including wholegrain bread, brown rice and wholegrain pasta.

These are low in fat and high in fibre which will fill you up.

Have fish regular aim to eat two servings of fish a week.

The more fish you eat the better for you, one of these portions should be oil-rich fish.

When you buy meat you should choose lean cuts of meat and poultry.

You need to reduce your sodium intake use fresh herbs or ground spices instead of salt to add flavour to your food.

Aim to drink or eat two servings of low fat dairy foods a day, such as low fat yogurt and skimmed milk.

Have six to eight glasses of water everyday.

Think carefully about your eating habits and behaviours.

This will help pinpoint areas where you could make changes.

Healthy eating ideas you should think about and aim for.

Dont eat food on the run sit down.

Eat your meals at the table with your family this will prevent digestive problems.

Have healthy foods in small portions.

When you are full stop eating you dont have to finish everythink.

When you have snacks eat healthy foods such as fruit, nuts or seeds.

Eat less junk food and sweets.

Eat less fast food once or twice a week maximum.

When you do eat these foods include healthier options.

If you do love cakes and sweets and find it difficult to eliminate them from your diet.

Choose low fat versions and have small portions.

By Andrew kerekes at http://www.healthyeatingideas.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Kerekes

Four Ways To Add Some Excitement To Your Diet

By Scott Kustes

I was asked a question last weekend by a guy I know about how to increase the variety of his diet. The exact words he used in reference to his diet were, if memory serves me right, "bland and boring". And I'd bet that he's not the only one with those thoughts on his diet. Variety is probably the most difficult aspect of adopting a new eating pattern because we tend to seize on a few simple meals and eat them over and over. While some of us here enjoy cooking and finding ways to incorporate new tastes, others are more "beginner" in that area. That's not a bad thing...everyone starts somewhere.

There are actually several aspects to consider when looking to make your meals more pleasurable. Eating is not an experience of only the tastebuds, something that the best chefs recognize. While taste is important, aroma, visual appeal, texture, and temperature also need to be considered. These additional four elements will enhance your enjoyment of a meal and increase your appetite.

Aroma is chiefly influenced by aromatic herbs and spices. Think of walking into a Mexican restaurant and the combination of smells and contrast that with walking into a nice Italian restaurant. Even blindfolded, you'd know where you were by the smells around you. The smells of cumin, garlic, oregano, or basil are distinct and serve to increase your appetite. Visual appeal comes down largely to color in a dish, but presentation plays a part as well. A plate of lettuce is rather boring, but top it with red radishes, orange carrots, purple onions, black olives, and green cucumbers and suddenly it's eye-catching.

It's also important to include a variety of textures in a meal and to ensure that each particular food is served at the proper texture. Obviously this will vary based on the eater, but few people want dry meat or mushy vegetables. Learning to cook will go a long way to increasing your eating enjoyment, for instance, not overcooking meat or oversteaming vegetables. And finally, there's temperature. Have you ever eaten cold eggs? If so, you know that you probably have a preference for how hot certain foods are when you eat them. Also, you probably aren't going to want a hot bowl of soup in the summertime, nor are you going to want an ice-cold fruit smoothie in the winter. Try to match what you're eating to the temperature outside.

Having a more exciting diet comes down to variety - variety in ingredients, variety in how things are cooked, variety in flavors. If you eat the same foods prepared the same way day-in and day-out, you will get bored. You may love steak and broccoli, but if you eat a grilled steak and steamed broccoli every single day, you will get bored. Now, I could just say "be sure to include lots of colors and textures" and leave it at that, but you probably already knew that. You're reading this because you want some ideas. Here are four ways I've found to add variety and excitement to one's diet, in order of increasing value.

1. Condiments and Cooking Sauces

This is the easiest way to change things up. When I started eating better several years back, I literally put hot sauce on everything. I wasn't too keen on most vegetables, having abused my natural sense of taste with obnoxiously aggressive sweet or salty tastes for years as so many of us do. But with a bit of olive oil and some hot sauce, everything was palatable. Either that or I just couldn't taste it because my mouth was on fire. The choices here are virtually endless: hot sauce, mustard, soy sauce or tamari, mayonnaise, salsa. There are also less favorable options like ketchup, barbeque sauce, and Worchestershire; these should be using sparingly due to sugar content.

Cooking sauces are much like condiments. They make it easy to change up the flavor of your meals without a great deal of thought or cooking knowledge. Some of the ones that I use occasionally are El Pato, coconut milk, and various sauces from Frontera. Don't forget spaghetti sauce either; there's no rule requiring the use of spaghetti sauce with pasta and it works just as well with chicken, beef, vegetables, or spaghetti squash. These also work wonders when you need to put something together fast. Saute meat and vegetables in a skillet and open a can of El Pato: instantly flavorful meal.

2. Herbs and Spices

I have two main issues with using lots of condiments and cooking sauces. First, there's the salt content. Nearly every one you pick up will have like 7000% of your daily intake of sodium in a 1/2 tsp. Perhaps it's not that bad, but it's bad nonetheless. The second issue is that it's really someone else's idea of flavor that you're tasting. That's fine because you'll find some that you really enjoy, but it's rare that two people actually want their food to taste exactly identical. Creating your own herb and spice combinations allows you to get around both problems: you can avoid using salt completely if you want and you can tailor the dish to your liking.

You can give most any dish an ethnic flair with the right combination of herbs and spices. Playing with herbs and spices will really enhance your enjoyment of food. Aside from smelling really good, they complement flavors rather than just masking them as most condiments do. To really enjoy spices though, you have to experiment and that probably means producing some not-so-tasty under- or over-spiced food. Just count it as part of the learning process. There are literally hundreds or thousands of combinations you can try, but you'll probably find a few spices that you really love. Being a big fan of Mexican-inspired cooking, I go through loads of cumin and garlic. To salads, I add basil, oregano, lemon thyme, cilantro, or any number of other herbs. By changing the spices that you use, you can literally create multiple dishes from the same ingredients.

An added benefit of herbs and spices is that they pack a load of healthful benefits. Check out my article The Spice of Life (1) to learn more.

3. Shop at the Farmer's Market

The first two points focused mainly on flavor and aroma. Now on to variety in ingredients. When you walk through the produce section of your grocery store, you see a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, right? Or do you? You really don't. What you're seeing is the group of fruits and vegetables that are most widely eaten and most resistant to the effects of modern production. Perhaps they're the most widely eaten because they've been bred to be resistant to modern production methods. Regardless, there is a vast range of food that you won't find in the grocery. For an experience, check out your local farmer's market (find Farmer's Markets near you at Local Harvest).

Your diet will benefit in several ways from going to the Farmer's Market. First, there will be a bit of forced variety due to seasonality. Broccoli is not a year-round food, nor are apples, blueberries, or Swiss chard. Every week you'll find something new and you'll see how the foods available change from spring through to fall and winter. It's actually rather neat to watch the world of vegetation wax and wane with the seasons and to understand why. Second, there is additional variety of some foods you already eat. Thinking of my local Farmer's Market, there is one stall that I dubbed "The Radish Guys". They carry 5 or 6 different kinds of radishes, from the common bland red ones you see at Kroger to potent black cooking radishes that'll jump up and punch you in the nose. Some booths have Chinese cabbage or rainbow chard or six different varieties of lettuce. You'll discover local varieties of apples and try some interesting melons beyond the usual watermelon, canteloupe, and honeydew. Don't be afraid to pick something up and take it home with you (after paying of course). The worst case is that it doesn't appeal to you and you "wasted" a couple bucks (I would argue that it isn't really wasted, but that's getting philosophical). The best case is that you find a new favorite food.

A third benefit is the wealth of knowledge available at the Farmer's Market and the willingness of people to talk about cooking. I recall going to a booth last year and picking up some odd looking green squash (turned out to be Magda), asking what it was, and walking away with a couple squashes and two or three recipes from several people. The people selling you the food here actually cook and eat it as well, so you can pick up some really interesting tips. Finally, the produce at your Farmer's Market is probably fresher and more healthful than that in the grocery store given that it's more likely to be picked within the last day or two and is often cheaper to boot. Just talking to and shaking the hand of the person growing your food is nice, adding a bit of human element to eating.

4. Join a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program

Joining a CSA could be the ultimate in introducing variety to your diet for one very simple reason: you have no choice. You pay for and receive a box of produce every week, selected by the farmer. One week, it may be cucumbers, avocados, spinach, and blueberries and the next week it could be kohlrabi, sweet potatoes, and onions (probably not due to seasonality, but you get the point). You're going to open your box every week and find something new depending on what is in season in your area. And when you come across something that you've never used before, you'll scramble to Google to find a recipe for it or talk to some other foodies in your area to figure out how to use it. This is forced variety, "forced" being a positive thing in this case. A year of CSA surprises will probably introduce you to more variety than you could do yourself simply because we all tend to get into patterns. Check the Local Harvest link above to find CSAs.

The Spice of Life - an article discussing the health benefits of various common herbs and spices.

Scott Kustes is the owner of the Modern Forager blog. A computer geek by training, he brings an intense passion for nutrition and health, specifically how evolutionary history determines the proper food for the human body. By looking at nutrition through the lens of evolution, in much the same fashion as Dr. Loren Cordain, Scott is able to find the logic behind what works and what doesn't.

Scott has published two articles in "The Performance Menu, Journal of Health and Athletic Excellence". The first article, published in Issue 26 (March 2007), was titled "The Spice of Life" and explored the myriad health benefits of including numerous common herbs and spices in your cooking. The second article, "Absolutely Offal," was published in Issue 33 (October 2007) and explored recipes for cooking the most nutritious of meats, organ meats.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_Kustes

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Every Time Your Heart Beats

By Frances Lewis

To really understand nutrition, you must see it from the cellular level. If you eat a piece of pizza every last, little bit of that slice of pizza is used, stored or excreted by your body. Everything you put into your mouth eventually becomes cellular. So in other words, whatever you put into your mouth becomes a part of your body, a piece of you. Whatever you eat either nourishes your body or hinders it!

Think of it like this, every time your heart beats, that beat is delivering nutrition, oxygen (air), or toxins to all of your cells. And what your cells have to work with all depends on what YOU have put in your body for that heartbeat to take to your cells. So ultimately it is up only to you as to whether or not the blocks taken and distributed are nutrients or detriments.

The core value of what you eat determines what your body gets to use. To be healthy, the core value of the building blocks your body has to work with must be good. You cannot build a strong building out of inferior products or the building won't last for long. If you have a foundation that is weak, the building will be weak. If you have a foundation that is strong, but you use only the meanest of materials to build upon that foundation, your building will still be weak. But if you build a strong building upon a strong foundation, then your building will be strong and healthy. The same is true for your body.

But this is still just part of the equation. Your body, unlike a building, is always rebuilding or replacing itself. It is a living machine that replaces many weak or non-working parts on a daily basis. And this they say is the rest of the story...

What kind of a building block do you think the foods your eat make? Take Alcohol for instance. Are the blocks strong or weak? Alcohol breaks down into sugars. Sugars are a weak block. Easily made and easily used up. Fat breaks down into stronger blocks. But the problem with the fat block is that it is so strong that it takes lots of work for your body to break down and use. So it gets stored and your body becomes more obese. Fruits and vegetables also make sugar blocks, but they also make complex strong blocks that don't add as much fat and that are easy for your body to use if the body needs them. Breads and grains also add sugar that is easy to use but also complex proteins that add strength to your building.

So now we get around to the discussion of nutrition. The experts have been telling us for years that we need to eat from the nutrition pyramid. Do you remember that? Just like a building, the pyramid has a strong base, and building blocks that combine in harmony to make a strong structure. It is just that no one has ever explained to us why nutrition is so important. It all has to do with our cells and how our body works.

To help your body be the strongest it can be, thoughtfully consider everything you put into your mouth. Am I eating something that will ultimately be good for my body or something that will contribute to the weakness of my structure? Every time your heart beats are those beats taking the building blocks to your cells that you need to create and maintain your body? It is up to you. Choose wisely.

Take care and love yourself.

Frances Lewis

The author operates http://www.yourbestweightlosssite.com, an educational and informational blog about health and weight loss. She is a 30+-year veteran of the health services business. Now she devotes her full time educating and helping people reach their ideal body weight. Frances has always had a passion for teaching and education. She helps others to gain control of their health and their weight. Her new FREE weight loss roadmap teaching you, "TOP TEN, NO KIDDING, NO FAIL TIPS FOR LOSING WEIGHT AND REGAINING YOUR HEALTH!" is now available at http://www.yourbestweightlosssite.com Just fill out the FREE gift section in the upper right hand corner.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frances_Lewis

Eat Healthy for Fitter Abs

By Bill Mann

The first step towards great abs is great abdominal health. In order to achieve the look you want, pay attention to what you are eating. Support the functions of your body by the foods you eat.

One of the many causes of tummy bloat is improper digestion. Many people are so busy that they do not allow time to pay attention to their diet. This means lots of grab-and-go meals that provide little or no dietary support. Not only are these foods generally high calorie and low in nutrition, they contain little fiber. It is hard for the body to digest this stuff, let alone get rid of it.

Eat plenty of fiber. Fiber comes from fruits, vegetables and whole grains. A good rule of thumb to follow is the less processing and packaging, the better. Dark green vegetables and the skins of fruits such as plums, apples and pears provide a good source of fiber. Avoid white and bleached flour baked goods and choose whole grains instead. Whole grain oats, barley, and wheat also support healthy digestion. A sufficient amount of fiber in your diet helps your body cleanse the bowels and maintain a healthy digestive track.

Reduce, but don't eliminate, carbohydrates. Don't cut all carbohydrates out of your diet, but reduce your intake of simply carbohydrates like cookies, candy, and sweet drinks. Be mindful of eating complex carbohydrates and whole grains to balance your digestion and metabolism.

Lessen your fatty foods intake. Not all fat is created equal, but too much of any fat is bad. Saturated fats and partially hydrogenated oils are particularly nasty and create the highest impact. Having some natural oils and fat in your diet is healthy, but make sure you know the source. Read labels!

Another enemy of flatter abs is water retention. This often comes as a result of high sodium intake. Lessen sodium intake by paying attention to the salt you are eating. Sodium doesn't just come from the salt shaker, though. Many prepackaged foods and especially fast food contains high levels of sodium and preservatives. When the body has to process the extra sodium, this causes water retention and bloating.

Also make sure you drink lots of water. Staying fully hydrated aids the digestive process. This ensures that the body makes a quick job of absorbing what it can use and expelling what it does not. Drinking enough water also helps relieve the bloating from excess sodium intake by flushing sodium from the body.

On the issue of liquid intake, quit drinking soda. The calorie free kind won't help you lose weight either. The sugar in a can of regular soda delivers a calorie wallop and can cause weight gain. However, studies have shown that drinking a can of diet soda a day can increase the risk of being overweight by 41%. This won't do any wonders for your midsection.

If you want firm, flat abs, or fitness in any muscle area, you must eat to support muscle development. Without muscle tone, your belly is going to sag and bubble. Amino acids found in protein are essential for building and maintaining muscle health. Health officials recommend women consume 46 grams of protein a day and men 56. Protein in the diet comes from meats, eggs, grains, beans, and dairy products. Lean meats and vegetable proteins are the healthiest choices.

Remember though, eating the right foods only goes so far. Work out your abdominal muscles and get some aerobic activity. A sedentary lifestyle makes it extremely difficult to get the shape you want, no matter what you eat.

As the captain of his high school football team, Bill Mann was fit and lean. After letting himself go for years, he is back on the fitness track and losing his gut thanks to better nutrition and exercise. He reviews the best abs programs at AbsAtLast.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bill_Mann

Set Your Kids A Good Example When It Comes To Eating Habits!

By scotie Keithlow

Parents often teach their children poor food habits. For example, during a busy morning, when everyone is running late, there is little time to think about making and eating breakfast, although it is the most important meal of the day. So parents will skip the children's breakfast and tell them to eat well at lunch when they are at school.

When lunchtime arrives, the parent is still not very hungry so he or she will eat a snack bar and a diet soda and go back to work. It may be that the children have done something similar during their lunch period. When it is time to make dinner, the family is rushing around, trying to make sure that everyone gets to practice or completes some chore like picking up the dry cleaning. On the way to an errand, the parent realizes that dinner needs to be prepared. Short on time and energy, the parent decides to stop on the way home for a pizza instead. Or perhaps the family would rather have hamburgers and fries.

While deciding what to have for dinner, the children are getting very hungry. If there is a snack food dispenser nearby, they are likely to load up on soft drinks and candy. After making the final stop to pick up a child from practice or wherever, everyone is in the car and ready to get home. The parent has decided that pizza is the right choice and has already called in an order so that it will be ready for pick up.

Unfortunately, this scenario is typical of the daily food rituals experienced by many families. Most Americans spend their day rushing around with little thought to their nutritional needs. They rely on convenience foods without knowing that these short cuts to meals give exactly the wrong message about food and nutrition to their children.

Everyone reads articles about good nutrition and how it impacts overall health. Everyone has made the connection between eating appropriate foods and living longer and healthier lives. Few people actually take action on the basis of this information, however, and no one thinks about how much of every day goes by without any nutritious food being consumed at all.

As children grow, parents may wonder why they seem pale and less than healthy. Parents must recognize that children live in a stressful environment, one without exercise, and one that imposes unhealthy eating habits.

It is a parental responsibility to ensure that children are taught about good morals, work ethics, and family values. It is also important to teach them the importance of taking care of their health. They cannot have a good quality of life if they are not healthy enough to enjoy it.

To find more advise about good food habits for children visit http://family-tips.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scotie_Keithlow

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

How vitamin C stops the big 'C'

By Nick Zagorski

Nearly 30 years after Nobel laureate Linus Pauling famously and controversially suggested that vitamin C supplements can prevent cancer, a team of Johns Hopkins scientists have shown that in mice at least, vitamin C - and potentially other antioxidants - can indeed inhibit the growth of some tumors ¯ just not in the manner suggested by years of investigation.

The conventional wisdom of how antioxidants such as vitamin C help prevent cancer growth is that they grab up volatile oxygen free radical molecules and prevent the damage they are known to do to our delicate DNA. The Hopkins study, led by Chi Dang, M.D., Ph.D., professor of medicine and oncology and Johns Hopkins Family Professor in Oncology Research, unexpectedly found that the antioxidants’ actual role may be to destabilize a tumor’s ability to grow under oxygen-starved conditions. Their work is detailed this week in Cancer Cell.

"The potential anticancer benefits of antioxidants have been the driving force for many clinical and preclinical studies," says Dang. "By uncovering the mechanism behind antioxidants, we are now better suited to maximize their therapeutic use."

"Once again, this work demonstrates the irreplaceable value of letting researchers follow their scientific noses wherever it leads them," Dang adds.

The authors do caution that while vitamin C is still essential for good health, this study is preliminary and people should not rush out and buy bulk supplies of antioxidants as a means of cancer prevention.

The Johns Hopkins investigators discovered the surprise antioxidant mechanism while looking at mice implanted with either human lymphoma (a blood cancer) or human liver cancer cells. Both of these cancers produce high levels of free radicals that can be suppressed by feeding the mice supplements of antioxidants, either vitamin C or N-acetylcysteine (NAC).

However, when the Hopkins team examined cancer cells from cancer-implanted mice not fed the antioxidants, they noticed the absence of any significant DNA damage. "Clearly, if DNA damage was not in play as a cause of the cancer, then whatever the antioxidants were doing to help was also not related to DNA damage," says Ping Gao, Ph.D, lead author of the paper.

That conclusion led Gao and Dang to suspect that some other mechanism was involved, such as a protein known to be dependent on free radicals called HIF-1 (hypoxia-induced factor), which was discovered over a decade ago by Hopkins researcher and co-author Gregg Semenza, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Program in Vascular Cell Engineering. Indeed, they found that while this protein was abundant in untreated cancer cells taken from the mice, it disappeared in vitamin C-treated cells taken from similar animals.

"When a cell lacks oxygen, HIF-1 helps it compensate," explains Dang. "HIF-1 helps an oxygen-starved cell convert sugar to energy without using oxygen and also initiates the construction of new blood vessels to bring in a fresh oxygen supply."

Some rapidly growing tumors consume enough energy to easily suck out the available oxygen in their vicinity, making HIF-1 absolutely critical for their continued survival. But HIF-1 can only operate if it has a supply of free radicals. Antioxidants remove these free radicals and stop HIF-1, and the tumor, in its tracks.

The authors confirmed the importance of this "hypoxia protein" by creating cancer cells with a genetic variant of HIF-1 that did not require free radicals to be stable. In these cells, antioxidants no longer had any cancer-fighting power.

The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Authors on the paper are Dean Felsher of Stanford; and Gao, Huafeng Zhang, Ramani Dinavahi, Feng Li, Yan Xiang, Venu Raman, Zaver Bhujwalla, Linzhao Cheng, Jonathan Pevsner, Linda Lee, Gregg Semenza and Dang of Johns Hopkins.

Contact: Nick Zagorski Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions

Bayho Health News http://www.bayho.com/article.php?id=200

Contact: Nick Zagorski Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Bayho

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Benefits Of Eating Fruits

By: Peter Sams

The benefits are eating fruit are numerous. Fruit is one of the healthiest and natural foods you can eat. They’re packed full of vitamins minerals and antioxidants, and they taste fantastic too. Health experts recommend that we eat at least five pieces of fruit or vegetables each day. The fruit can be dried or bottled, though to receive the most nutrition you should eat it freshly picked.

High blood pressure is a primary risk factor for heart disease and stroke. As such, it's a condition that is very important to control. Diet can be a very effective tool for lowering blood pressure. One of the most convincing associations between diet and blood pressure was found in the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) study. This trial examined the effect on blood pressure of a diet that was rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products and that restricted the amount of saturated and total fat.

Fruits, goldmine of vitamins, minerals and fibre are ideal to consume at least 4-5 servings in a day. Since they are in the natural form, account for largest part of water and 100% bad cholesterol free, it's much easier for the body to process and absorb the vitamins and minerals from the fresh fruit.

Fruit can also play a part in our mental health. Studies have shown that a regular intake of fruit can reduce the risk of developing panic attacks, mood swings, anxiety and depression. Chemical preservatives found in many processed foods and meat is increasingly thought to contribute to violent behavior and poor concentration. A balanced diet that includes plenty of fruit will help our brains function better and keep alert and us focused.

Fresh organic produce contains on average 50% more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other micronutrients than intensively farmed produce. Science says that it's good for you! Going organic is the only practical way to avoid eating genetically modified (GM) food. And by buying organic food, you are registering your mistrust of GMO's and doing your bit to protest against them.

Low Calories: The problem with many of our favorite snacks isn't just the lack of nutrients and excess sugar and fat that we take in but also the pronounced calorie up-tick, which comes from many of these snacks. Enter fruits and vegetables, as they are exceedingly lower in calories and fat grams. Even with a small garnish or a dip, most of the times you can bet that the fruits and vegetables we employ are much better than many of our other choices.

The problem with many of our favorite snacks isn't just the lack of nutrients and excess sugar and fat that we take in but also the pronounced calorie up-tick, which comes from many of these snacks. Enter fruits and vegetables, as they are exceedingly lower in calories and fat grams. Even with a small garnish or a dip, most of the times you can bet that the fruits and vegetables we employ are much better than many of our other choices.

Read about Herbal Natural Home Remedies and Girls Discussion Forum. Also read about Beauty and Makeup Tips

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Creatine Supplements and Its Importance

By Ricky Hussey

Creatine supplements are one of the major body building supplements in the market these days. These days there are so many body building supplements available in the market that it is nearly impossible and difficult to decide which one to buy amongst many. Creatine supplements are one the most popular supplements that are demanded by the market. The main concern of the buyer should be the ingredients present or used in supplements.

Creatine supplements are primarily present in each and every individual. The main components from where supplements are extracted are eggs, meat and milk products. To creatine one much means to take supplements rather having these products. The more expensive and branded the supplements the more effective and efficient it may be. Rather if a less expensive or cheaper supplements is the case would be of impurities and additional products.

These days many new companies have entered supplements industry. This is the main reason for the growth and development of these supplements. The major concern here should be that the person buying creatine supplements should be watchful about its ingredients. Watching the ingredients before purchasing ingredients can be very much effective to control future problems. Most of the creatine supplements are non vegetarian and people who are vegetarian should be helped by reading these ingredients.

Many companies do claim to provide perfect benefits to their customers as to act their policies in a competitive world. Now a day buying these supplements is easily available as new and improved online policies and less charges of imports and exports.

Creatine are the main constituent of body building. One can increase their body from 100 pounds to 200 pounds within a time of few months. These days supplements are even used for curing a person from an injury. Due the presence of multiple muscular cells in supplements maintains proper amounts of proteins in your body. This helps our body to lean and increase weight. These supplements are even available in all flavors and quantities. These creatine are available in flavors such as mango, chocolate and litchi. This supplements are even helpful in maintaining a proporatiate level of insulin and reduces the fear of heart attacks. These supplements also have carbohydrates which help in tissue building and helps in maintain its adequate level in our body.

Read out for Creatine Monohydrate. Check out Muscle and Creatine Supplements Blog.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Stop Heartburn Naturally

By Rudy Silva

When you have dinner or go out to eat, do you eat as much as you can? Do you eat late in the evening then go to bed soon after and worry about heartburn later? How about when you go to a buffet? Just about every one I see at a buffet loads up their plate with more food than they stomach can digest. Undigested food in your stomach is one cause of heartburn. If you get heartburn, then stomach content and HCl acid has flowed back into your esophagus causing you a hot burning sensation. Most people think that if you have heartburn that they have too much acid and that this is the cause of heartburn. The real cause of heartburn is that valve that stops stomach content from moving back into the esophagus has opened up and allowed this content to go back into your esophagus and burn its tissue.

The majority of people with heartburn rush out to the drugstore to buy Tums or other acid neutralizers. Yes this helps heartburn since now the stomach content and acid are now less acidic and burn the esophagus tissue less. Using acid reducers or blockers (drugs) regularly will not stop heartburn and will have a negative impact on your health. Your stomach must have an acid pH of 1.5 to 2.5 to function properly. With acid blockers, your stomach pH can rise to 3.0 and higher - this means less stomach acid. A pH of 3.0 or higher can lead to many health problems that you won't relate to your use of Tums. Heartburn occurs when The Lower Esophageal Valve, LEV, opens when it shouldn't. When this happens, some stomach acid and digested food moves back into the esophagus. This gives you a burning sensation since the esophagus lining cannot hold up to the acid stomach contents If you ever get heartburn, the burning sensation, stomach pain, bleaching, and discomfort that makes you look for a heartburn remedy. Here is a list of eating rules that you need to follow to be stop heartburn. Or if you just want not have digestive problems. " Just before you eat, take 2 digestive enzymes to help you digest your food. Use the digestive enzymes that contain protease, amylase, and lipase. You don't want undigested food to go into your colon, especially meat. Undigested meat is one of the causes of colon cancer.

" Limit the amount of liquid - water, tea, sodas, etc - you drink when you eat. This dilutes the acid in your stomach that you need to digest your food. Use only a small amount of room temperature water, since cold water slows down your digestive process. " Limit the food you eat. Eating excess food where you combine meat, carbohydrates, sugar, sodas, fats, and processed foods, makes it impossible for you stomach to digest all this food. Undigested turns into acid. This acid creates gas and can put pressure on a weak LEV causing it to open. These are just a few heartburn remedies to help you stop heartburn. Your stomach needs a strong acid to digest your food. Using acid reducers or blockers like Tums or other medication goes against the nature of your stomach. Without an acid stomach, you will become susceptible to a numerous serious diseases.

Rudy Silva is a Natural Nutritionist and researcher. For more free tips on how to stop acid reflux go to: http://www.acidreflux-relief.info for his latest affordable e-report on natural remedies for acid reflux, go to: http://www.nutritiondiet7.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com