By Troy Shanks
There are many benefits to zeolite supplementation. It is amazing that there is a product out there that works the way that liquid zeolite does. For example, it is completely non-toxic yet it has the ability to remove the toxins from your body essentially disabling them as they are removed from the body. Zeolite supplementation will also help you improve your health and immune system by creating a slightly alkaline environment in the body. When the body has a 7.35 to 7.45 pH the body is able to function at its best as well as the immune system.
Another benefit of zeolite supplementation is that it helps remove herbicides and pesticides from the body. The zeolite supplementation does not remove the herbicides and pesticides directly but it does prepare the body to remove them on its own. For example, liquid zeolite works to remove heavy toxins from the body. When this occurs the load on the liver is reduced significantly allowing it to do its job more effectively. The liver then produces more glucuronidation, which removes the herbicides and pesticides from the body.
Liquid zeolite also works to reduce the body's viral load. After you have been taking the zeolite supplementation for a while the zeolite will then latch onto viruses in the body. Actually, the zeolite grabs viral components that will eventually become viruses. This will allow the body to remain healthier and not get as many viruses.
The absorption of nitrosamines is also significantly reduced with zeolite supplementation. Nitrosamines are found in processed meats and the culprit of Type II diabetes, stomach, colon, and pancreatic cancer. Liquid zeolite manages to neutralize the nitrosamine toxins in the body's digestive tract. Then, the zeolite along with the nitrosamine is eliminated safely from the body.
Those with diabetes will benefit significantly from liquid zeolite. That is because it is able to buffer blood sugar. This means individuals will not experience major blood sugar spikes. There is also a reduced risk of cancer with zeolite supplementation. Not only are the cancer causing toxins removed from the body through zeolite supplementation but zeolite can also kill cancer cells in the body. If you have cancer you should not plan on zeolite being a miracle cure, but it is a great supplement to use with other treatment.
Nutrient absorption is also improved with zeolite supplementation. It promotes a healthy gut, which allows the body to absorb nutrients properly. In addition, the gut has a healthier flora meaning that it can fight off stomach bugs and other infections better. Zeolites fight against diarrhea and that is why many anti-diarrheal drugs include zeolites today.
These are just a few of the benefits of using the natural cellular defense Waiora sells as a Zeolite product. There are actually unlimited benefits and that is why it is so important for people to realize the benefits and begin taking liquid zeolite to live a happier and healthier life.
Waiora is one of the world's up and coming health companies with great nutritional products and supplements including liquid cellular zeolite. Their natural cellular defense product will help remove toxins and heavy metals from your body in a safe and natural way. Be sure to check out our Waiora Zeolite website at for more information.
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Friday, June 20, 2008
Benefits of Zeolite Supplementation
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10:39 AM
Labels: Supplements, Zeolite, Zeolite Supplementation
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Health Benefits of Acai Berry Supplements
By Fred Farnsworth
The Acai berry is becoming very popular, especially with new research showing that it is one of the most important super foods available. It is a small berry that grows on the Acai palm, which is native to the tropical regions of Central and South America.
Acai Berry Supplements
Because the Acai berry consists of mainly seed and only a small amount of pulp, the best way to benefit from Acai is by trying one of the many Acai Berry Supplements on the market. Supplements can be in the form of a pill or drink
Acai Berry Supplements are very beneficial for your health, since they are packed full of antioxidants which work to promote overall health. The Acai berry contains more antioxidants in the small two centimeter piece of fruit than any other known food, and even has up to thirty times more antioxidants than a glass of red wine.
Antioxidants and the aging process
Antioxidants are beneficial for slowing down aging, helping to rid the body of unwanted toxins, and can even be beneficial for preventing disease.
The Acai berry is also a great source of protein and amino acids, and even contains many of the essential vitamins our bodies need to function on a daily basis. Acai helps to promote cell health within the body, which in return helps to fight off disease and strengthen the immune system.
Vitamins from Acai
Acai actually contains large amounts of the necessities we need to consume on a daily basis, and functions almost like a multivitamin packed with dozens of vitamins and nutrients. Acai contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, and E, and even contains significant amounts of Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Copper, and Zinc.
Plant sterols are also present in Acai, with three major types that have already been characterized. Plant sterols are great for digestive regulation and can even help prevent disease, and are great for those with heart problems since they maintain overall heart health.
Healthy fats such as Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9 are also potent in the Acai berry, with over 50% of the pulp consisting of fat. Only about 20% of the total fat in the berry is not Omega fat, and the Omega fats are actually very beneficial for health. They can be beneficial for a number of different reasons, ranging from being able to prevent arthritis to being a natural cure for moderate to severe depression. They can even reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack, especially in those with risk factors or previous attacks.
The Flavor of Acai
The best benefit the Acai berry has to offer is its flavor, since it is actually very delicious. The pulp on the berry has a sweet berry taste that is followed by a subtle chocolate after taste, which makes it pleasurable to eat alone or as a smoothie or beverage. It pairs great with other berries and fruits and vegetables, and even makes a great dessert that is healthy and packed full of nutritional value.
Acai Berry Supplements are taking the health food market by storm, since Acai has so many health benefits to offer. It is packed full of amazing vitamins, nutrients, and many other essentials that help to promote overall health, yet it is a delicious treat that puts all other health food to shame. When paired along with other super foods in supplements and drinks, Acai can keep you happy and healthy for a very long time.
Two popular drink supplements that are currently on the market are Monavie, and Purple.
I have tried many of these health drinks and Purple has them all beat for taste. I must confess that I am hooked on the stuff. I know that GNC stores carry Purple but rather than me list all of the locations here you can just go visit
I am not going to give you a link to Monavie because it is a Multi-level marketing company and the product is over priced, plus you miss the cascade effect that you get from Purple.
If you are going to take an Acai supplement (and you should) the drink form is tasty and fun verses the pill form. In addition, with the pill form you miss the cascade effect of all the other antioxidants.
Archie Freeman is a Health and fitness freelance writer,currently writing reviews about antioxidant products like the Purple Antioxidant Drink Check out their new discovery The Cascade Effect and Acai Berry Supplements It's amazing and it makes so much sense
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10:20 AM
Labels: Acai Berry Supplements, Supplements